Monday 2 January 2012

Welcome to 2012!

So a new year starts; with strong resolutions... 

A marker to begin fresh...

Renewed dreams...

 ...and possible the last year for all of humanity as we know it....? O.o

Why can’t all years start off this exciting! :D

I do have to say though I am happy to be back at it. Don’t get me wrong, holidays are great, family, and friends, delouse food and a visits back to the old home stead. However, there is nothing like being able to kick back with a good cup of tea and a favorite book or comic after a good hard day’s work... and considering work in my world is always amazingly cool nifty stuff, life=good!
Now, I don’t really believe in New Years resolutions, but making a list of goals is never a bad idea. Hence, I figured I’d post some of those goals on here, The theory behind that is having them published means friends can kick my butt into gear if I start slacking! So here it goes;

Happy New Years everyone may you be as productive or unproductive in any venture you chose to take! :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are pretty busy these days Sammy. Like your site ...not sure I like the hat but then again I'm an old fart and not into the latest in trend setting head apparel.
    Happy 2012! Make it a good one as it may be our last if ya believe that shit.
