To all my fellow,
fans and followers of pastifarianism that have been graced or touched by those
noodley appendages, call out your beat Arrrrrrr's and behold the(insert drum
roll here)............ .......................hat? O.o
Yes, the warm, the
soft, the useful fleece winter hat sporting yours truly the flying spaghetti
monster. Now to whatever God you chose to follow I hope that the humor of this
particular piece of fashion DO, can be appreciated XD. I mean who doesn’t want
to wear their God on their head?
Working out the first attempt of this hat
probably took me a bit longer then desired however I did manage to cram it all
in to a week of evening after work at the shop. Which is pretty awesome considering
it was birthday gift. :)
Mission Accomplished!
Plus on the up side now with that
hat walking around the word is slowly infiltrating its way deeper into society.
I'm still trying to
work out how to make the hats
Profitable for possible
sale, with the extra bits it’s still looking like it would cost a pretty penny.
Mind you I would only be looking to create custom hats and have a few more in
mind to do in my free hours in the evenings. Hope you like!